Friday, October 16, 2009
Lehi--Ethos to Pursuade Men to look to the Great Mediator
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Obama's Pep Talks

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Chicago- President and Mrs.Obama's Logical Fallacies
Elder Holland's "Power of the Word"
Can we play this game like men?
Great Expectations--For Young Adults
President Monson's Toolbox - of Language
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Nuclear Power is the Only Green Solution
Monday, October 12, 2009
I Have a Dream
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Glenn Beck
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Pearl Harbor
What's Wrong With Divorce?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Great Expectations--Words From The Prophet
Proactiv Solutions
Getting on the Proactiv website is like diving into pool beautiful people. You are graced with endless pictures of actresses, of dancers, and of Miss America. These bombshells are there to say "You can look like me if you use Proactiv!" The advertisement is appealing not to beautiful people, but people who want to be beautiful. Proactiv realizes that they can appeal to these people's emotions more than those of others. Realizing this increases their productivity because they draw the interest of the right people. All someone has to do is use the three step treatment and they will be beautiful.
Another interesting point is that the advertisement seems to focus more on females. Four out of the five celebrity endorsements on the home page are females. Girls tend to care about how they look more than boys, therefore, they are the ones that will spend more money on skin care. Studies have also shown that women also tend to have acne longer in their life as well. In their 40's, over 26% of women and only 12% of men had acne. By focusing their advertisement on women Proactiv is appealing to a bigger market and increasing their profit.
Lastly, Proactiv is clearly focusing their advertisement on white people. Every celebrity endorsement, and all but one of the "before and after" examples are Caucasian. In the United States the average white has a higher income than the average African-American or Hispanic. Proactiv appeals mainly to whites because they are the people with the most money. Once again, they are focusing on the audience that will give them the highest profit.
Proactiv Solutions has success because they capture the right audience in their advertisement. Specifically, they appeal to white females that want to be beautiful. Although they capture many other audiences who benefit from the product, they have pinpointed the key users of Proactiv. This appeal makes their advertisements successful.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Video Game Violence
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Pathos--In General Conference
President Obama uses logos to connect his ideas together and show how healthcare needs to be reformed now. Logos was a much better chioce for Obama to use instead of pathos because he is talking to Congress. By logically expressing his ideas for change in healthcare, Obama appeals more to Congress because they are persuaded by the law and how the country is run. Pathos wouldn't change Congress' ideas about healthcare because emotions will not dictate their decisions.
President Obama talks about the health care problem which started during President Roosevelt's term. And now, Obama is "determined to be the last" president to take up the cause of healthcare (par. 1). He explains that now support comes from hospitals, even the hospitals who were against the healthcare reform before. At this point is his speech, Obama has introduced his major topic and showed that he has support from Americans. The next step he takes is introducing his specific plan of action.
Obama explains his three main points that cover why the American people need help with their healthcare, and how the government can help them at low costs. He not only includes the American people, but also Congress and their own healthcare plans. Obama explains that if you have health insurance already, you will not need to change your coverage. However if you need health insurance, you can find affordable coverage. Then he links it all together and why it matters. "[It] makes sense, it saves money, and it saves lives." (par. 11)
Letter From Liberty Jail
In the end however, Joseph would most like have good ethos no matter what. First of all, he is the prophet, and he is writing to people who believe that. He is in good standing among the Saints which gives him authority and influence. This letter catalyzes the building of his ethos by identifying with the reader, and establishing an authoritative voice that the Saints listen to.
Friday, September 18, 2009
President Obama has been talking about health care all throughout his presidental campain and now, as President. Presenting his ideas about health care need to be brought out at the right time. At a time when Americans want to listen to what he wants to say. Obama uses kairos in this particular speech by specifically stating why now is the time for action and for implimenting his health care proposal. Obama says, "Now is the season for action... Now is the time to deliver on health care". (par. 6)
According the the life cycle of a rhetorical situation, Obama is just leaving the origin stage. Some Americans are still becoming more aware of what his health care plan is and what their personal benifits would be.
Obama includes himself with congress by using words like "we" and "us". He combines the Democrates and the Republicans together and shows how his health care program will help everyone.
Obama explains that this is the time to change health care because if we don't fix it now, there will be no possible way to compromise. He futher explains that this has been a long-time problem that we need to fix and make better for the future.
Pearl Harbor
Before the attack on Pearl Harbor a majority of Americans wanted to stay out of World War Two. It is largely believed that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in the minority wanting to enter the conflict, however, if he had just entered the war with no crowning incentice he would've lost a huge amount of his public support. Pearl Harbor gave FDR his chance. The very next day he delivered a famous address to the nation in front of a joint session of Congress. Using poweful lagnuage, he rallied tremendous support for entering World War Two, which he did. One day earlier and this speech would have been laughed at. This was the opportunity to go to the war because the citizenry was mad. Their home had just been attacked, and Americans don't stand for that. It would not have been possibly for FDR to rally his country to war if they didn't have Pearl Harbor fresh in their heads. They wanted to get even with the Axis Powers.
President Roosevelt took advantage of the opportune moment. He appealed to the right people at the right time, in the right place. Although a huge majority of American's believed in isolationism before the Japanese attack, Roosevelt succesfully engaged the moment to turn the tide of American opinion. Americans were also outraged that the Japanese had attacked their homeland; it wasn't some distant war that nobody cared about anymore. FDR harnessed the energy released by the attack and infused it into the American population. They were enraged and wanted to do something about it. The president brilliantly used Pearl Harbor as his backdoor into World War Two.
The Americans had been attacked, they had been attacked in their homeland, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt seized the opprtune moment.
Glenn Beck on Congress and Corruption
Glenn Beck addresses this issue of political corruption at the "right" time. His message was delivered after Senate decided on it's vote. By showing multiple,recent examples of how corruption is taking place in Washington, he is able to make a very convincing argument, especially through his use of kairos by delivering his message at the "right" time.
The second part of Kairos includes addressing an issue to the "right" people. Glenn Beck calls to the citizens of the United States of America. He urges them to take the necessary steps to remove those who cause corruption and replace them with "56 brave, good, decent human beings." (par. 5) He speaks to those who are in the sound of his voice, those who are probably interested in current issues and his thoughts. This is a prime group that will mostly like heed his words. Again, by using kairos, Beck is able to have an even stronger argument by exercising more than one aspect of kairos.
Lastly, kairos includes making an argument in the "right circumstance." According to the life cycle of a rhetorical situation, the debate for the proposed amendment is in the disintegration phase because "the process of change becomes practically irreversible. Decisions have been made and put into action. Many groups have moved on to other issues." (W & R, p. 47, par. 4) However, the issue Glenn Beck brings up (that there is corruption in our government) is at the deterioration stage. "The prime moment for influencing the opinion of decision makers has passed, and a solution may be in the early stages of implementation. Positions on the issues are well established." (W & R, p. 47, par. 3) One can argue that most people already have made an opinion on corruption. Additionally, Beck presents this issue after President Obama took office. He then takes advantage of this issue being in the deterioration stage since many of his listeners, who are mostly conservative, did not support Obama's candidacy. This then opens an opportunity for listeners to take charge and try to create this change in democracy that Beck and others want to see. Once more Beck tactfully uses kairos to make an effective argument, that might just one day help to amend the American government that the citizens are affected by.